'" . date("Y-m-d") . "' AND "; $Where = "oktolist = 'Y' AND "; $Fields = "SELECT DISTINCT rentals.rentalid, rentals.sourceid, rental_cities.rentalcity as extracity, rentallocation, rentals.primaryphotoid, rentals.featuredphotoid, photos.filename, rentals.rentalcity, rentals.listingheadline, listing, listingexpires, primaryphoto, "; $Fields .= "daily1, daily2, daily3, daily4, ratesfrom, states.statecode, states.statename, "; $Fields .= "rentals.isfeatured, rentals.featuredexpires, featuredcityexpires, featuredstateexpires, featuredregionexpires, featuredcountryexpires, featuredworldexpires "; $Tables = " FROM rentals LEFT JOIN states ON rentals.rentalstatecode = states.statecode "; $Tables .= " LEFT JOIN rental_cities ON rentals.rentalid = rental_cities.rentalid "; $Tables .= " LEFT JOIN photos ON rentals.primaryphotoid = photos.photoid "; if (isset($_GET['memberid'])) $Where .= "rentals.memberid = " . $_GET['memberid'] . " AND "; if (isset($_POST['exchange']) && $_POST['exchange'] == "Y") $Where .= "isexchange = 'Y' AND "; else if (!isset($_POST['forsale'])) $Where .= "islisting = 'Y' AND "; if (isset($_POST['state'])) { if ($_POST['state'] != "") { $State = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_POST['state'] : addslashes($_POST['state']); $Where .= "rentalstatecode = '" . $State . "' AND "; $FeaturedField = "featuredstateexpires"; } } if (isset($_GET['state'])) { if ($_GET['state'] != "") { $State = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_GET['state'] : addslashes($_GET['state']); $Where .= "rentalstatecode = '" . $State . "' AND "; $FeaturedField = "featuredstateexpires"; } } if (isset($_POST['city'])) { if ($_POST['city'] != "") { $City = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_POST['city'] : addslashes($_POST['city']); $Where .= "(rentals.rentalcity = '" . $City . "' OR rental_cities.rentalcity = '" . $City . "') AND "; $FeaturedField = "featuredcityexpires"; } } if (isset($_GET['city'])) { if ($_GET['city'] != "") { $City = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_GET['city'] : addslashes($_GET['city']); $Where .= "(rentals.rentalcity = '" . $City . "' OR rental_cities.rentalcity = '" . $City . "') AND "; $FeaturedField = "featuredcityexpires"; } } if (isset($_POST['destination'])) { if ($_POST['destination'] != "") { $DQuery = sprintf("Select * From dest_cities Where destinationid = " . $_POST['destination']); $DRecordset = mysqli_query( $Vacation,$DQuery) or die(mysqli_error()); $DestCities = ""; while ($Drow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($DRecordset)) { $DestCities .= "'" . $Drow['destcity'] . "',"; } $DestCities = "(" . substr($DestCities, 0, strlen($DestCities)-1) . ") "; $Where .= "(rentals.rentalcity In " . $DestCities . " OR rental_cities.rentalcity In " . $DestCities . ") AND "; $FeaturedField = "featuredcityexpires"; mysqli_free_result($DRecordset); } } if (isset($_POST['category'])) { if ($_POST['category'] != "") { $Where .= "categoryid = " . $_POST['category'] . " AND "; $Fields = $Fields . ", rentals.rentalcategoryid, rentalcategory"; $Tables = $Tables . " INNER JOIN rental_categories ON rentals.rentalid = rental_categories.rentalid INNER JOIN rentalcategories ON rentalcategories.rentalcategoryid = rental_categories.categoryid "; } } if (isset($_POST['attraction'])) { if ($_POST['attraction'] != "") { $Where .= "attractionid = " . $_POST['attraction'] . " AND "; $Fields = $Fields . ", attractioncategories.attractioncategory"; $Tables = $Tables . " INNER JOIN attractions ON rentals.rentalid = attractions.rentalid INNER JOIN attractioncategories ON attractioncategories.attractioncategoryid = attractions.attractionid "; } } if (isset($_GET['region'])) $_POST['region'] = $_GET['region']; if (isset($_POST['region'])) { if ($_POST['region'] != "") { $Region = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_POST['region'] : addslashes($_POST['region']); $Where .= "countries.regioncode = '" . $_POST['region'] . "' AND "; $Fields = $Fields . ", countryname, rentalcountrycode"; $Tables = $Tables . " INNER JOIN countries ON rentals.rentalcountrycode = countries.countrycode "; $FeaturedField = "featuredregionexpires"; $WorldRegion = $_POST['region']; } } if (isset($_GET['country'])) $_POST['country'] = $_GET['country']; if (isset($_POST['country'])) { if ($_POST['country'] != "") { $Country = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_POST['country'] : addslashes($_POST['country']); $Where .= "rentalcountrycode = '" . $_POST['country'] . "' AND "; $Fields = $Fields . ", countryname, rentalcountrycode"; $Tables = $Tables . " INNER JOIN countries ON rentals.rentalcountrycode = countries.countrycode "; $FeaturedField = "featuredcountryexpires"; $StateCountry = $_POST['country']; } } if (isset($_POST['forsale'])) { $FeaturedFlag = "isfeaturedforsale"; $FeaturedField = "featuredforsaleexpires"; // $Where .= "rentals.isforsale = 'Y' AND rentals.forsaleexpires > '" . date("Y-m-d") . "' AND "; $Where .= "rentals.isforsale = 'Y' AND "; $Fields = $Fields . ", isfeaturedforsale, featuredforsaleexpires"; $ForSale = "yes"; } if ($Where != "") { $Where = " WHERE " . substr($Where, 0, strlen($Where)-5); $SaveFields = $Fields; $SaveTables = $Tables; $SaveWhere = $Where; } //echo $Where; $Orderby = " ORDER BY source, statename, rental_cities.rentalcity, datecreated"; } $Query = $Fields . $Tables . $Where . $Orderby; //echo $Query; //exit(); mysqli_select_db($Vacation,$database_Vacation); $query_Recordset1 = sprintf($Query); $Recordset1 = mysqli_query( $Vacation,$query_Recordset1) or die(mysqli_error()); $row_Recordset1 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($Recordset1); $totalRows_Recordset1 = mysqli_num_rows($Recordset1); //echo $totalRows_Recordset1; $listing_title = ""; if (isset($_POST['state']) && $totalRows_Recordset1 > 0) { if ($_POST['state'] != "") { $listing_title = $row_Recordset1['statename'] . ", "; } } if ((isset($_POST['city']) && $_POST['city'] != "") || (isset($_GET['city']) && $_GET['city'] != "") && $totalRows_Recordset1 > 0) { // $listing_title = $row_Recordset1['rentalcity'] . ", " . $row_Recordset1['statename'] . ", "; $listing_title = $City . ", " . $row_Recordset1['statename'] . ", "; } if (isset($_POST['country']) && $totalRows_Recordset1 > 0) { if ($_POST['country'] != "") { $listing_title = $row_Recordset1['countryname'] . ", "; } } if (isset($_POST['category']) && $totalRows_Recordset1 > 0) { if ($_POST['category'] != "") { $listing_title = $listing_title . $row_Recordset1['rentalcategory'] . ", "; } } if (isset($_POST['attraction']) && $totalRows_Recordset1 > 0) { if ($_POST['attraction'] != "") { $listing_title = $listing_title . $row_Recordset1['attractioncategory'] . ", "; } } if ($listing_title != "") { $listing_title = substr($listing_title, 0, strlen($listing_title)-2); if (isset($_POST['exchange']) && $_POST['exchange'] == "Y") $listing_title = "Rental Exchange Listings for " . $listing_title; else $listing_title = "Rental Listings for " . $listing_title; if (isset($_POST['forsale'])) $listing_title = "For Sale " . $listing_title; } $aListed[] = ""; $aFeatured[] = ""; $page_title = "Vacation Rentals"; include('includes/topchoice-header.php'); ?>
0) { mysqli_data_seek($Recordset1, 0); $row_Recordset1 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($Recordset1); do { //ML if ($row_Recordset1[$FeaturedFlag] = 'Y' && $row_Recordset1[$FeaturedField] > date("Y-m-d") && !in_array($row_Recordset1['rentalid'], $aFeatured)) { if ($row_Recordset1[$FeaturedFlag] == 'Y' && $row_Recordset1[$FeaturedField] > '0000-00-00' && !in_array($row_Recordset1['rentalid'], $aFeatured)) { $aFeatured[] = $row_Recordset1['rentalid']; include('includes/featured-listing.php'); } } while ($row_Recordset1 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($Recordset1)); } ?>

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